Men Skin Care Tips - 5 Essential Skin Care Tips to Manage Oily Skin | Ustraa
Does your skin look shiny or greasy like Rudolph’s nose? Are you always in search for skin care tips to make your skin oil free? If the answer is yes, you have come at the right place. Though we do not promise to be your oil control genie but we would definitely share an oily skin care regime to achieve a clearer skin
1. Wash Your Face Twice a Day

You must cleanse your face using warm water with a suitable Face wash for oily skin twice a day; once in the morning and the other just before going to bed. Though your oil pouring skin might tempt you to wash your face more frequently but doing so will only remove all the natural oils; which will make your more sensitive and oil prone.
2. Oil Free Diet

Eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and lean proteins. Cut back on fried and processed foods as well as sweetened sugar beverages. Munch loads of lemons and kiwis to treat acne and to balance your skin tone.
3. Exfoliate your skin

Oily skin benefits tremendously from exfoliation or removal of dead cells from the top layer of the skin. As dead skin leads to clogged pores, use of Ustraa’s gel based Face scrub for oily skin twice a week; will leave your skin smooth and clean. It also acts as face cleanser which helps in removing blackheads and whiteheads. However, one must avoid over-exfoliation which may lead to over drying and hence excessive oil production.
4. Workout

Exercising daily or working out increases the blood flow and helps nourish skin cells. It also opens clogged pores which in turn helps in removing toxins. Drinking 5-6 glasses of water daily also helps in flushing toxins out of the body.