Terms & Conditions for Cashback

These terms and conditions govern all aspects around Cashback given by conducted by Happily Unmarried Marketing Private Limited (HUMPL/we/us/our) through www.ustraa.com, www.happilyunmarried.com, Ustraa Android app, and Ustraa iOS app (Website & mobile apps) and by proceeding ahead you hereby acknowledge to have read, understood, and agreed, on an irrevocable basis, to be legally bound by the most recent version of these Terms and Conditions in their entirety and all other applicable laws and regulations, without any limitation or qualification.

Cashback Terms & Conditions:

  • Cashback is given on order delivery & expires in 150 days (~ 5 months).
  • Cashback is given as store credits in Ustraa account.
  • Users can use up to ₹350 in a single order
    • You may ask - what happens to the rest of store credits? : Rest of credits remain safe in your Ustraa account. Can be used anytime!
  • Store credits can be used in all orders above ₹599
  • If order is cancelled after delivery, the cashback will be deducted from Ustraa Account.
  • Store credits can't be used along-with coupon codes.

Ustraa is a range of grooming products, for men. Helping our Bros look their best since 2015

Happily Unmarried is India's coolest youth lifestyle brand. We are irreverent, desi, fun and forever young.

© 2024 Happily Unmarried Marketing Pvt. Ltd,
a wholly owned subsidiary of VLCC Limited (formerly known as VLCC Health Care Limited). All Rights Reserved CIN/LLPIN: U51909DL2007PTC167121

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